Power Tools 1993 November - Disc 1
Power Tools Plus (Disc 1 of 2)(November 1993)(HP).iso
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2,016 lines
*** D M S F O L D E R M A P *** 04/30/93 23:33:47
* Power Tools Information
* Help Files and Setup Instructions
Text: Power Tools Help File
Text: Power Tools Online Setup on an HP Vectra PC
Text: Power Tools Online Setup on a UNIX Workstation
Text: Power Tools Online on InfoNet
Text: Power Tools CD-ROM Subscription Form 5091-4689E
* Table of Contents
Text: Table of Contents: Power Tools Online
* Table of Contents: April 1993 CD-ROM 5091-5855E
Text: Disc 1: Product Literature
Text: Disc 2: Sales Tools
* Table of Contents: March 1993 CD-ROM 5091-5854E
Text: Disc 1: Product Literature
Text: Disc 2: Sales Tools
* Table of Contents: February 1993 CD-ROM 5091-5853E
Text: Disc 1: Product Literature
Text: Disc 2: Sales Tools
* Table of Contents: January 1993 CD-ROM 5091-5852E
Text: Disc 1: Product Literature
Text: Disc 2: Sales Tools
* Table of Contents: December 1992 CD-ROM 5091-5851E
Text: Disc 1: Product Literature
Text: Disc 2: Sales Tools
* Table of Contents: November 1992 CD-ROM 5091-5850E
Text: Disc 1: Product Literature
Text: Disc 2: Sales Tools
Text: Table of Contents: October 1992 CD-ROM 5091-5849E
Text: Table of Contents: September 1992 CD-ROM 5091-5513E
Text: Table of Contents: August 1992 CD-ROM 5091-5346E
Text: Table of Contents: July 1992 CD-ROM 5091-5064E
Text: Table of Contents: June 1992 CD-ROM 5091-4613E
Text: Table of Contents: May 1992 CD-ROM 5091-4612E
Text: Table of Contents: Spring 1992 CD-ROM 5091-4074E
* Product Literature
* HP Corporate Business Systems Product Literature
* Corporate Business Systems Sales Kit 5960-7845E
* Corporate Business Systems Solutions Overview
* Unit 1: High-End Opportunities by Industry
Text: 59607845 1
* Unit 2: HP's Corporate Business System Strategy
Text: 59607845 2
Graphic: Emergence of New Computing Needs
Graphic: Providing Greater Value versus Mainframes
Graphic: Performance Growth Beyond Current High-End
Graphic: A Natural Fit into any Environment
Graphic: Integrated Management Tools
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* Unit 3: Corporate Business System Overview
Text: 59607845 3
Graphic: HP's Corporate Business System - Page 3-3
Graphic: New Offering at a Glance - Page 3-9
Graphic: HP 3000 Corp. Business System Platform - Page 3-10
Graphic: Target Industry Opportunities - Page 3-13
Graphic: HP 3000 Corporate Business System DX - Page 3-18
Graphic: Installed Base Upgrade Diagram - Page 3-22
Graphic: Corporate Business System, Series 9x7 - Page 3-23
Graphic: HP 3000 Relative Positioning Chart - Page 3-25
GraphicHP 9000 Corporate Business Server - Page 3-30
Graphic: OLTP Performance Relative to 807S - Page 3-34
Graphic: HP 9000 Target Industry Opportunities - Page 3-36
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* Unit 4: Data Center Peripherals
Text: 59607845 4
* Unit 5: Networking for the High-End
Text: 59607845 5
Graphic: Dallas, New York (X25) - Page 5-7
Graphic: Just in Time Manufacturing - Page 5-7
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* Unit 6: Systems and Network Management
Text: 59607845 6
Graphic: OpenView Console - Page 6-5
Graphic: NetBase Support for... - Page 6-7
Graphic: HP OpenView Release 3 - Page 6-19
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* Unit 7: High Availability Solutions
Text: 59607845 7
Graphic: High Availability in the Data Center - Page 7-3
Graphic: Causes of Unplanned Failures - Page 7-4
Graphic: High Data Availability - Page 7-6
Graphic: Network to Shadowed Disks - Page 7-9
Graphic: The Drive Towards Continuous Availability Page 7-12
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* Unit 8: High-End Information Management
Text: 59607845 8
Graphic: ALLBASE/DB2 Connect - Page 8-4
Graphic: HP Databases: Optimized for HP Systems - Page 8-6
Graphic: ALLBASE/Turbo CONNECT - Page 8-7
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* Unit 9: Support Services
Text: 59607845 9
* Unit 10: Financing Options - Getting the CFO's Support
Text: 59607845 10
* Finance and Support Solutions
* Financing for the High-End sales guide 5091-4306E
Text: Table of Contents: 50914306
Text: 50914306
* Premier Account Support Sales Guide
Text: 59607845 PREACCSUPSG
* Applications Guide
Text: Table of Contents: 59607845 APPGD
Text: 59607845 APPGD
* HP High-End Computing Success Stories
Text: Table of Contents: 59607845 COMPSTOR
Text: 59607845 COMPSTOR
* Competitive Information
* DEC High-End Solution Competitive Brief
Text: Table of Contents: 59607845 DECBRF
Text: Competitive Brief: 59607845 DECBRF
Graphic: DEC's Business at a Glance, FY91 - Page 1
Graphic: DEC's NAS Middleware Software Strategy - Page 6
Graphic: VAX VMS Systems - Page 9
Graphic: Performance Positioning - Page 10
Graphic: DEC's System Strategy - Page 14
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* IBM High-End Solution Competitive Brief
Text: Table of Contents: 59607845 IBMBRF
Text: Competitive Brief: 59607845 IBMBRF
Graphic: IBM Financial Highlights, Revenues - Page 01
Graphic: IBM's Business at a Glance FY91 - Page 02
Graphic: Performance Positioning - Page 34
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* NCR High-End Solution Competitive Brief
Text: Table of Contents: 59607845 NCRBRF
Text: Competitive Brief: 59607845 NCRBRF
Graphic: NCR Financial Highlights - Page 02
Graphic: NCR's Business at a Glance, FY91 - Page 02
Graphic: Sample 3600 Configuration - Page 05
Graphic: Performance Positioning - Page 06
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* Sequent High-End Solution Competitive Brief
Text: Table of Contents: 59607845 SEQBRF
Text: Competitive Brief: 59607845 SEQBRF
Graphic: Sequent Financial Highlights, FY91 - Page 02
Graphic: Sequent's Business at a Glance - Page 02
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* RISC vs. CISC White Paper
Text: Table of Contents: 59607845 RISC
Text: 59607845 RISC
Graphic: Instruction Mix for CISC CPU - Figure 1 - Page 5
Graphic: CPU Performance Comparison - Figure 2 - Page 6
Graphic: 3 Stage CPU Pipeline - Figure 3 - Page 12
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* Competitive Analysis of RISC Architectures white paper
Text: Table of Contents: 59607845 COMPANL
Text: 59607845 COMPANL
Graphic: Benefits of PA-RISC - Page 2
Graphic: The RISC Market has exploded - Page 3
Graphic: All Major US Vendors are Committed to RISC - Page 4
Graphic: The Industry is Rapidly Moving to RISC - Page 4
Graphic: Largest RISC System Vendor, Worldwide - Page 5
Graphic: 1991 Worldwide Multiuser RISC Market Share - Page 6
Graphic: Conclusion: HP PA-RISC - Page 16
Graphic: 3 Stage CPU Pipeline - Page 18
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* HP Mainframe Alternative Program Resource Guide 5091-4059E
Text: 50914059
* Multiprocessing White Paper
Graphic: Series 800 Performance Growth - Page 2
Graphic: Job Scheduling - Page 3
Graphic: HP 9000 Series 1200 Fault Tolerant System - Page 4
Graphic: Graphics Workstation - Page 5
Graphic: Graphics Workstation (2) - Page 6
Graphic: HP 890S Multiprocessing System - Page 7
Graphic: Job Scheduling - Page 8
Graphic: Kernal and I/O Access - Page 10
Graphic: Massively Parallel System - Page 15
Graphic: Distributed Computing - Page 16
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* Industry Application Portfolio
Text: Table of Contents: INDAPPORT
* HP 3000 Product Literature
* SharePlex/iX White Paper 5091-6983E
Text: 50916983
Graphic: Cluster Benefits
Graphic: Chart: Dollars Lost/Hour
Graphic: Disaster Tolerant Access to Data
Graphic: Types of Data Transfer
Graphic: Central Cluster Management
Graphic: Monitors...
Copy All Graphics Gallery Files: 50916983
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* HP 3000 High Availability White Paper 5091-6982E
Text: 50916982
Graphic: Customer's "Hierarchy of Needs"
Graphic: Chart: Dollars lost/hour
Graphic: Scalable System Availablity to Meet Needs
Graphic: Basic System
Graphic: Deluxe System with High Availability Option
Graphic: SharePlex/iX Coupled Systems
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* Wim Roelandt's Letter to Computerworld Editor 5091-6666E
Text: 50916666
* Mainframe Alternative White Paper (NPN)
Graphic: Figure 1: The Emergence of a "New" Data Center
Graphic: Figure 2: HP: Cooperative Computing for the User
Graphic: Figure 3: The Gap is closing between the Midrange
Graphic: Figure 4: In the future, the Cost Gap will Rapidly
Graphic: Figure 5: HP's Mainframe Alternative Solution
Graphic: Figure 6: A Natural Fit for Any Data Center
Graphic: Figure 7: High Availability in the Data Center
Graphic: Figure 8: HP Systems--Bridging from the Mainframe
Copy all HPGL Files: MAINALT
* HP 3000 Business Computer Systems Photo Card 5091-6112E
Print Formatted Document: 50916112
* HP 3000 900 Series Price Guide 5091-5868EUS
* Covers
Text: Front Cover: 50915868
Text: Back Cover: 50915868
* About This Document
Text: 50915868 1
* Table of Contents
Text: 50915868 2-3
* New! System Support Options Program
Text: 50915868 4-5
* How to Order
Text: 50915868 6-7
* HP 3000 Series 900 Business Systems and Servers
Text: 50915868 8-23
* Structured Solution Bundles
Text: 50915868 24-35
* Preconfigured Systems
Text: 50915868 36-51
* Series 900 Return Credits
Text: 50915868 52-55
* Series 900 Upgrades Matrix
Text: 50915868 56
* Series 900 Upgrades
Text: 50915868 57-69
* MPE, I/O and Memory Expansion
Text: 50915868 70-105
* Data Communications (continued)
Text: 50915868 106-110
* Data Communications (continued)
Text: 50915868 111-113
* Data Communications (continued)
Text: 50915868 114-131
* HP NewWave Office Software Structured Solution Bundles
Text: 50915868 131-133
* Software (continued)
Text: 50915868 134-155
* Software (continued)
Text: 50915868 156-163
* Customer Education
Text: 50915868 164-168
* Index by Product Number
Text: 50915868 169-175
* Index by Product Name
Text: 50915868 176-183
* "Cheerio to Unix" ComputerWorld Article Reprint 5091-5304E
Text: 50915304
* HP 3000 Strategic Directions White Paper 5091-4346E
Text: 50914346
Graphic: HP 3000 Corporate Business Systems
Graphic: The Emergence of a New Paradigm in the Data Center
Graphic: HP 3000 - Full Scalability and Compatibility
Graphic: HP 3000 Corporate Business System Vision
Graphic: HP 3000 Balanced System Vision
Graphic: Superior Commercial Throughput
Graphic: HP 3000 Systems and Network Management Prod. Vision
Graphic: HP 3000 OpenView Vision
Graphic: OpenView Console
Graphic: Meeting Corporate Needs for Increasing System Perf.
Graphic: HP Corporate Business System Performance Growth
Graphic: HP 3000 System Availability Vision
Graphic: HP 3000 System Availability Vision (2)
Graphic: NetBase Support for...
Graphic: Coupled System Directions
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* POSIX on the HP 3000 Technical Data Sheet 5091-4089E
Text: 50914089
* HP 3000 900 Series Configuration Guide 5091-4064E
* Introduction
Text: 50914064 INTRO
* Section 1: 900 Series Business Computers
Text: 50914064 1
Graphic: 980 Family
Graphic: 9X7LX/9X7 Family
Graphic: CS 990 and 992
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* Section 2: Series 9x7LX and 9x7 Systems
Text: 50914064 2
Graphic: Series 9x7LX System Layout
Graphic: Series 9x7 System Layout
Graphic: I/O Block Diagram
Graphic: Factory Integrated Cabinet Ordering Examples
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* Section 3: Series 980/100, 980/200, 980/300, and 980/400
Text: 50914064 3
Graphic: Conceptual Schematic: Series 980 I/O Configuration
Graphic: HP 3000 Series 980 SPU (Back)
Copy all Tagged Image Format Files: 50914064 3
* Section 4: HP 3000 Corporate Business Systems
Text: 50914064 4
Graphic: HP 3000 Corporate Business System
Graphic: SPU Frame, Cards, and Power Module Locations
Graphic: CS Expansion Capabilities
Graphic: Processor/Memory Bus (PMB) Card Cage SLots
Graphic: HP-PB I/O Card Cage Slots
Graphic: 1.6 Meter Factory Integrated Expansion Cabinet
Graphic: 1.6 Meter Standalone Expansion Cabinet
Graphic: CS 990/992 Illustrated Racking Configuration
Graphic: SCSI Racking Example A
Graphic: SCSI Racking Example B
Graphic: HP-FL Racking Example
Copy all Tagged Image Format Files: 50914064 4
* Section 5: 900 Series Input/Output Channels
Text: 50914064 5
Graphic: SCSI Extender
Graphic: Single Printer Cabling with HP-IB Extenders
Graphic: HP-FL Disk Interface
Graphic: P-Bus Cabling
Copy all Tagged Image Format Files: 50914064 5
* Section 6: Peripherals
Text: 50914064 6
Graphic: HP Series 6000 Model 670F/R, 1355F/R, and 2000D F/R
Graphic: Cable Configuration for 256X Printers
Graphic: Cable Configuration for 2680A Page Printer
Graphic: HP 5000 F100 Cabling Alternatives
Copy all Tagged Image Format Files: 50914064 6
* Section 7: Datacommunications and Terminal Controller
Text: 50914064 7
Graphic: Datacommunication and Terminal Controller End-User
Graphic: HP 3000 900 Series Optimized Protocol
Graphic: DTC Configuration Example
Graphic: DTC16 Configuration Example with 8 ports DC
Graphic: DTC48-to-Workstation/Serial Printer Cabling
Graphic: DTC16-to-Workstation/Serial Printer Cabling
Graphic: DTC-to-SPU Thick (10Base5) LAN Connection
Graphic: DTC-to-SPU Thin (10Base2) LAN Connection
Graphic: DTC-to-SPU Thin (10Base2) LAN Connection (via MFIO
Graphic: DTC Console Connection (preferred method)
Graphic: Alternative DTC Console Connection
Copy all Tagged Image Format Files: 50914064 7
* Section 8: Software Media and FOS Learning Products
Text: 50914064 8
* Section 9: Hardware and Software Support
Text: 50914064 9
Graphic: HP's Software Support for HP 3000 Systems
* Section 10: Miscellaneous Configuration Information
Text: 50914064 10
Graphic: HP ALLBASE/SQL Database on HP 3000 900 Series
Graphic: HP Software Integration Sockets
Graphic: Hardware Configuration for SPU Switchover/XL
Graphic: Switchable User Volume Sets
Graphic: ACT Call Processing Server
Graphic: HP X.25 Access Products Family
Graphic: IBM Access Communication
Graphic: ISDN Communication
Copy all Tagged Image Format Files: 50914064 10
* HP 3000 Corporate Business Systems Data Sheet 5091-4060E
Text: 50914060
Graphic: Product Photograph
Graphic: Virtual Address Space - Page 4
Graphic: Instruction Pipelining - Page 5
Graphic: System Organization - Page 6
Graphic: Peripheral Connections - Page 7
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* HP 5000 Series Model F100 Technical Data Sheet 5091-4058E
Text: 50914058
Graphic (Page 01)
* HP 3000 Computer Systems Sales Guide 5091-3020E
* Chapter 1: HP 3000 Powershift - A 5 minute overview
Text: 50913020 1-6
Graphic: Chapter Banner: HP 3000 Powershift (Page 1)
Graphic: Figure 1.1: Installed Base Opportunities (Page 2)
Graphic: Figure 1.2: Portability, New VAB Solutions (Page 3)
Graphic: Figure 1.3: 9X7 Enhancements, Series 977 (Page 4)
Graphic: Figure 1.4: 980 Enhancements (Page 5)
Copy all HP Graphics Gallery Files: 50913020 1-6
* Chapter 2: Powershift to Open
Text: 50913020 7-29
Graphic: Chapter Banner: Powershift to Open (Page 7)
Graphic: Figure 2.1: General Mills, Foxboro (Page 8)
Graphic: Figure 2.2: Portability, Interoperability (Page 9)
Graphic: Figure 2.3: Portability (Page 10)
Graphic: Figure 2.4: POSIX & UNIX (Page 11)
Graphic: Figure 2.5: Pilot Release to Compliance (Page 12)
Graphic: Figure 2.6: HP 3000 MPE/iX (Page 13)
Graphic: Figure 2.7: HP 3000 Increased Portability (Page 14)
Graphic: Figure 2.8: For Open Systems Developers (Page 15)
Graphic: Figure 2.9: Prospect New Vabs (Page 16)
Graphic: Figure 2.10: Interoperability (Page 19)
Graphic: Figure 2.11: OpenView Network Manager (Page 20)
Graphic: Figure 2.12: Interoperability/NFS (Page 21)
Graphic: Figure 2.13: HP3000 / TurboIMAGE (Page 22)
Graphic: Figure 2.14: HP3000 EDA (Page 23)
Graphic: Figure 2.15: Open Systems (Page 24)
Graphic: Figure 2.16: An Open Approach (Page 25)
Graphic: Figure 2.17: HP3000 / OSF Standards (Page 27)
Graphic: Figure 2.18: Network/Relational/Object (Page 28)
Copy all HP Graphics Gallery Files: 50913020 7-29
* Chapter 3: Midrange Powershift
Text: 50913020 31-37
Graphic: Chapter Banner: Midrange Powershift (Page 31)
Graphic: Figure 3.1: HP 3000 Series 977 (Page 32)
Graphic: Figure 3.2: Systems Path (Page 33)
Graphic: Figure 3.3: The HP 3000 family is... (Page 34)
Graphic: Figure 3.4: 1st Generation/2nd Generation (Page 36)
Copy all HP Graphics Gallery Files: 50913020 31-37
* Chapter 4: High-End Powershift
Text: 50913020 39-48
Graphic: Chapter Banner: High-End Powershift (Page 39)
Graphic: Figure 4.1: Increasing Performance (Page 41)
Graphic: Figure 4.2: Series 980 Multiprocessors (Page 42)
Graphic: Figure 4.3: Excellent Return on Investment(Page 43)
Graphic: Figure 4.4: Sales Chart (Page 45)
Graphic: Figure 4.5: HP 3000 Disk Positioning (Page 46)
Graphic: Figure 4.6: Increasing Availability, Price(Page 47)
Copy all HP Graphics Gallery Files: 50913020 39-48
* Chapter 5: Success Stories
Text: Foxboro Success Story: 50913020 49-52
Text: General Mills Success Story: 50913020 49-52
Text: Scott Paper Limited Success Story: 50913020 49-52
Text: Silicon Graphics Success Story: 50913020 49-52
Text: American United Life Success Story: 50913020 49-52
Text: Generra Sportswear Success Story: 50913020 49-52
Graphic: Chapter Banner: Success Stories (Page 49)
Graphic: Scroll Template (Page 50 51 52)
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* Appendix A: 9x7 Enhancements - Structure Changes
Text: 50913020 55
* Appendix B: Series 977 Product Structure
Text: 50913020 56-57
* Appendix C: Series 980/300 Product Structure
Text: 50913020 58-59
* Appendix D: 900 Series Configuration Matrix
Text: 50913020 60
* Appendix E: Terms and Conditions
Text: 50913020 61
* Appendix F: Sales Tools
Text: 50913020 62
* Appendix G: Open Rollout Schedule
Graphic: Appendix G: Open Rollout Schedule (Page 63)
* Mainframe Downsizing White Paper 5091-2975E
Text: 50912975
* Open HP 3000 Series 900 Technical Data Sheet 5091-2700E
Text: 50912700
* HP 3000 Series 9x7 Technical Data Sheet 5091-2473E
Text: 50912473
* HP Motif XL Technical Data Sheet 5091-1089E
Text: 50911089
* Mainframe Alternative Sales Guide (NPN)
Text: Mainframe Alternative Program Overview: MNALTSG
Text: Mainframe Alternative Program Field Contacts: MNALTSG
Text: Sales Resource Guide: MNALTSG
Text: Mainframe Class Solutions Matrix: MNALTSG
Text: Solutions Contacts: MNALTSG
Text: Conversion Tools, System Integration: MNALTSG
Copy all ASCII Text Files: MNALTSG
* HP 9000 Multiuser Product Literature
* HP 9000 TPC Executive Summaries (NPN)
* TPC-A Exec. Summary - HP 9000 H40 (Informix host-based)
Text: AIHBH40
* TPC-A Exec. Summary - HP 9000 H40 (Informix client/server)
Text: AICSH40
* TPC-A Exec. Summary - HP 9000 I40 (Informix client/server)
Text: AICSI40
* TPC-A Executive Summary - HP 9000 I40 (Informix host-based)
Text: AIHBI40
* TPC-C Executive Summary H40 (Informix host-based)
Text: TPCC
* TPC-A Executive Summary 890/4 (Oracle7 client/server)
Text: TPCA
* Mainframe Alternative White Paper (NPN)
Graphic: Figure 1: The Emergence of a "New" Data Center
Graphic: Figure 2: HP: Cooperative Computing for the User
Graphic: Figure 3: The Gap is closing between the Midrange
Graphic: Figure 4: In the future, the Cost Gap will Rapidly
Graphic: Figure 5: HP's Mainframe Alternative Solution
Graphic: Figure 6: A Natural Fit for Any Data Center
Graphic: Figure 7: High Availability in the Data Center
Graphic: Figure 8: HP Systems--Bridging from the Mainframe
Copy all HPGL Files: MAINALT
* HP-UX Systems Management Solutions White Paper (NPN)
Graphic: HP-UX Systems Management Solutions
Graphic: System & Network Management Evolution
Graphic: The Management Challenge for IT
Graphic: HP-UX Systems Management Services
Graphic: Integrated Network & System Management
Graphic: HP Products Selected for OSF DME
Graphic: OpenView - The Fastest Path to DME
Graphic: HP-UX Performance Management Tools
Graphic: HP PerfView
Graphic: HP OpenSpool: Commercial Spooling on UNIX
Graphic: HP 9000 Backup/Recovery Solutions
Graphic: Industry-Leading Backup Solution
Graphic: HP-UX Configuration/Accounting solutions
Graphic: System Administration Manager (SAM)
Graphic: HP-UX Security Features Built in
Graphic: System Availability to Match Your Needs
Graphic: High Data Availability: RAID Level 3
Graphic: Increasing Data Availability: HP MirrorDisk/UX
Graphic: High Data Availability
Graphic: SwitchOver/UX
Graphic: HP-UX Fault Management Solutions
Graphic: HP-UX Systems Management Services
Graphic: HP-UX Remote Management Environments
Graphic: HP-UX Remote Management Tasks
Graphic: HP-UX Remote Solutions Matrix
Graphic: HP-UX Remote Management Evolution
Graphic: Central Systems Management Evolution
Copy all HP Graphics Gallery File(s): HPUXMNSOL
* Un*x Systems - Performance Quick Reference Card 5091-7333E
Print Formatted Document: Series 700: 50917333
Print Formatted Document: Series 800: 50917333
* A Guide to Winning Against Sun in Commercial 5091-6135E
Text: 50916135
Graphic: Cover
Graphic: HP: The Leader in Commercial Unix
Graphic: HP's PA-RISC: The Performance Leader
Graphic: 1991 Worldwide Multiuser RISC Market Share
Graphic: HP Commercial Differentiators Versus Sun
Graphic: HP Low-End Color Workstation Competitive Comparison
Graphic: HP-UX Systems Management Services
Graphic: HP: Connecting What You Have With What You Need
Copy all HP Graphics Gallery Files: 50916135
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* HP 9000 Client/Server Sales Guide 5091-6134E
Text: 50916134
Graphic: The Market Opportunity for Client/Server Computing
Graphic: Hughes Space & Communications Client/Server
Graphic: Liberty Bancorp IT Environment
Graphic: Multiple view of Client/Server...
Graphic: HP's Networking Offerings Let you Connect
Graphic: Client/Server Implementations
Copy all HP Graphics Gallery File(s): 50916134
* HP 9000 Series 800 Buyer's Guide to Success 5091-5745E
* Forward
Text: 50915745 FWD
Graphic: Wim Roelandts
* Table of Contents
Text: 50915745 TOC
* Executive Overview
Text: Competitive Advantage with Open Systems: 50915745 EXOV
Text: Industry Leaders Partner with HP: 50915745 EXOV
Graphic: Competitive Advantage with Open Systems
Graphic: Figure 1: Top UNIX Vendor
Graphic: Figure 2: HP Receives Top Honors from Partners
Graphic: Figure 3: #1 RISC/UNIX Vendor
Graphic: Figure 4: The Financial Strength of a Leader
Graphic: Telecommunications: AT&T
Graphic: Retail: Home Depot
Graphic: Automotive: Ford Electronics
Graphic: Packaged Goods: Chesebrough-Pond's USA
Copy All Graphics Gallery Files: 50915745 EXOV
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* Section 1. The Right System to Meet Your IT Needs
Text: 50915745 1
Graphic: The Right System to Meet Your IT Needs
Graphic: Figure 1.1: Choose the HP 9000 Series 800
Graphic: Figure 1.2: The Advantages of PA-RISC Servers
Graphic: Figure 1.3: Lower Overall Cost of Ownership
Graphic: Figure 1.4: Largest RISC Market Share
Graphic: Figure 1.5: Upgrade Systems as Your Needs Grow
Graphic: Figure 1.6: HP 9000 Series 800 Networking
Graphic: Figure 1.7: Communication for All Environments
Graphic: Figure 1.8: Full Range of Peripherals
Graphic: Figure 1.9: A Full Range of Peripherals
Copy All Graphics Gallery Files: 50915745 1
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* Section 2. Meeting Commercial Environment Demands
Text: 50915745 2
Graphic: Meeting Commercial Environment Demands
Graphic: Figure 2.1: HP Demonstrated Commitment
Graphic: Figure 2.2: Optimized Commercial Processing Perfor.
Graphic: Figure 2.3: Industry-Leading Transaction Perfor.
Graphic: Figure 2.4: Distributed Management Environment
Graphic: Figure 2.5: HP's Reliable Computing Solutions
Graphic: Figure 2.6: Industry-Leading Reliability
Graphic: Figure 2.7: Effective Automatic Recovery Solutions
Graphic: Figure 2.8: HP Series 1200
Graphic: Figure 2.9: Enhanced Security for Commercial Env.
Graphic: Figure 2.10: Quickest Path to DME
Graphic: Figure 2.12: HP Performance Monitoring Solutions
Graphic: Figure 2.13: HP OpenSpool/UX
Graphic: Figure 2.14: HP OmniBack/Turbo
Graphic: Figure 2.15: HP's Powerful System Admin. Manager
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* Section 3. Deploying Integrated Business Solutions
Text: 50915745 3
Graphic: Deploying Integrated Business Needs
Graphic: Figure 3.1: Leading Commercial CASE Solutions
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* Section 4. Ensuring Your Information Advantage
Text: 50915745 4
Graphic: Ensuring Your Information Advantage
Graphic: Figure 4.1: Data Center Computing
Graphic: Figure 4.2: Moving Applications from Mainframes
Graphic: Figure 4.3: Components of an HP Client/Server Solu.
Graphic: Figure 4.4: HP's Cooperative Computing Solution
Graphic: Figure 4.5: HP Open Systems Roadmap
Graphic: HP's Industry Leading Support Programs
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* HP 9000 Series 800 Family Technical Data Sheet 5091-5744E
Text: 50915744
* HP 9000 Series 800 Configuration Guide 5091-5739E
* 1. Introduction
Text: 50915739 1-4
* 2. Models Fxx, Gxx, Hxx, and Ixx Business Servers
Text: 50915739 5-13
Graphic: Configuration Flow Chart
Graphic: Configuration Flow Chart (cont.) p.6
Graphic: Configuration Flow Chart (cont.) p.7
Graphic: Configuration Flow Chart (cont.) p.8
Graphic: Configuration Flow Chart (cont.) p.9
Graphic: Configuration Flow Chart (cont.) p.10
Graphic: Configuration Flow Chart (cont.) p.11
Graphic: Configuration Flow Chart (cont.) p.12
Copy all Tagged Image Format Files: 50915739 5-13
* 3. Model F10/F20/F30 Integrated Business Servers
Text: 50915739 14-20
Graphic: Figure 3.1 Model F10/F20/F30 Business Server
Graphic: Figure 3.2 Model F10/F20/F30 Business Server Layout
Graphic: Figure 3.3 (A2241A #ODS)
Graphic: Figure 3.4 (A2242A #ODS)
Graphic: Figure 3.5 Memory Array
Graphic: Figure 3.6 Model F10/F20/F30 System
Copy All Tagged Image Format Files: 50915739 14-20
* 4. Model G30/G40/G50 Integrated Business Servers
Text: 50915739 21-32
Graphic: Figure 4.1 Model G30/G40/G50 Business Server
Graphic: Figure 4.2 Model G30/G40/G50 Business Server Layout
Graphic: Figure 4.3 System BUS Relationships
Graphic: Figure 4.4 Rear View with Std. LAN Personality Card
Graphic: Figure 4.5 Rear View with Opt. MUX Personality Card
Graphic: Figure 4.6 Memory and I/O Configurations
Graphic: Figure 4.7 Memory Extender Board Layout
Graphic: Figure 4.8 Rear View
Copy All Tagged Image Format Files: 50915739 21-32
* 5. Model H20/H30/H40/H50 Integrated Business Servers
Text: 50915739 33-44
Graphic: Figure 5.1 Model H20/H30/H40/H50 Business Server
Graphic: Figure 5.2 Business Server Layout
Graphic: Figure 5.3 System BUS Relationships
Graphic: Figure 5.4 Standard LAN Personality Card
Graphic: Figure 5.5 Optional MUX Personality Card
Graphic: Figure 5.6 Memory and I/O Configuration
Graphic: Figure 5.7 Memory Extender Board Layout
Graphic: Figure 5.8 Rear View
Copy All Tagged Image Format Files: 50915739 33-44
* 6. Model I30/I40/I50 Integrated Business Servers
Text: 50915739 45-56
Graphic: Figure 6.1 Model I30/I40/I50 Business Server
Graphic: Figure 6.2 Model I30/I40/I50 Business Server Layout
Graphic: Figure 6.3 System BUS Relationships
Graphic: Figure 6.4 Standard LAN Personality Card
Graphic: Figure 6.5 Optional MUX Personality Card
Graphic: Figure 6.6 Memory and I/O Configuration
Graphic: Figure 6.7 Memory Extender Board Layout
Graphic: Figure 6.8 Rear View
Copy All Tagged Image Format Files: 50915739 45-56
* 7. Model Fxx, Gxx, Hxx, and Ixx Family Upgrades
Text: 50915739 57-61
* 8. Model Fxx, Gxx, Hxx, and Ixx Typical Memory and Disk
Text: 50915739 62-65
* 9. Corporate Business Server 890 Configuration Flow Chart
Text: 50915739 66-69
Graphic: Configuration Flow Chart
Graphic: Configuration Flow Chart (cont.) p.67
Graphic: Configuration Flow Chart (cont.) p.68
Graphic: Configuration Flow Chart (cont.) p.69
Copy All Tagged Image Format Files: 50915739 66-69
* 10. Corporate Business Server 890
Text: 50915739 70-90
Graphic: Figure 10.1 HP 9000 Corporate Business Server 890
Graphic: Figure 10.2 Model 890 SPU
Graphic: Figure 10.3 Model 890 SPU Expansion Cabinet
Graphic: Figure 10.4 Processor/Memory Bus (PMB) Card Cage
Graphic: Figure 10.5 HP-PB I/O Card Cage
Graphic: Figure 10.6 HP-FL Sample Configuration
Graphic: Figure 10.7 SCSI System Disk Configuration
Graphic: Figure 10.8 SCSI Sample Configuration
Copy All Tagged Image Format Files: 50915739 70-90
* 11. Series 800 Cabinets and Racking
Text: 50915739 91-103
Graphic: Figure 11.1 Series 800 Cabinet
Graphic: Figure 11.2 1.1-m Factory Integrated Cabinet
Graphic: Figure 11.3 1.6-m Factory Integrated Cabinet
Graphic: Figure 11.4 1.1-m Field Integrated Cabinet (C2785A)
Graphic: Figure 11.5 1.1-m Field Integrated Cabinet (C2786A)
Graphic: Figure 11.6 Sample Configuration
Graphic: Figure 11.7 Maximum High-Availability Disk Array
Graphic: Figure 11.8 SCSI Backup Sub-System
Graphic: Figure 11.9 SCSI Disk Conf. with HP-FL Add-On Disk
Graphic: Figure 11.9a SCSI Disk Conf. with SCSI Add-On Disk
Graphic: Figure 11.9b SCSI Add-On Disk Configuration
Graphic: Figure 11.9c Multi-Purpose Combination Config.
Copy All Tagged Image Format Files: 50915739 91-103
* 12. Peripheral Interfaces
Text: 50915739 104-109
Graphic: Figure 12.1 Cable Lengths
Graphic: Figure 12.2 HP-FL Disks and Disk Arrays
Graphic: Figure 12.3 HP 37204A HP-IB Extenders
Copy All Tagged Image Format Files: 50915739 104-109
* 13. Multiplexers and User Communications Devices
Text: 50915739 110-112
Graphic: Figure 13.1 Asynchronous Device Connection
* 14. DTC (Datacommunication and Terminal Controller)
Text: 50915739 113-119
Graphic: Figure 14.1 DataCommunication
Graphic: Figure 14.2 DTC16 with 8 Ports DC + 6 Ports MC
Graphic: Figure 14.3 DTC48 with 2 RS-232 (3 pins) cards
Copy All Tagged Image Format Files: 50915739 113-119
* 15. Mass Storage Devices
Text: 50915739 120-127
Graphic: Figure 15.1 Connection of SCSI Devices
Graphic: Figure 15.2 HP-FL Disks and Disk Arrays
Graphic: Figure 15.3 HP-IB Disk Memory Connections
Copy All Tagged Image Format Files: 50915739 120-127
* 16. Tape Drives
Text: 50915739 128-132
* 17. Printers
Text: 50915739 133-136
* 18. Graphics Devices
Text: 50915739 137-139
* 19. Terminals
Text: 50915739 140-141
Graphic: Figure 19 Terminal Connections
* 20. X Stations
Text: 50915739 142
Graphic: Figure 20.1 HP 700/RX X Station Connection
* 21. Recommended Series 800 Peripherals
Text: 50915739 143-145
Graphic: Recommended Series 800 Peripherals
Graphic: Recommended Series 800 Peripherals (cont.) p.144
Graphic: Recommended Series 800 Peripherals (cont.) p.145
Copy All Tagged Image Format Files: 50915739 143-145
* 22. Peripherals Supported on the Series 800
Text: 50915739 146-156
* 23. HP-UX Operating System
Text: 50915739 157-160
* 24. Database Software
Text: 50915739 161-166
Graphic: Figure 24.1 HP 9000 with HP-UX
Graphic: Figure 24.2 OpenODB from HP (Disk Space)
Copy All Tagged Image Format Files: 50915739 161-166
* 25. Application Development Tools
Text: 50915739 167
* 26. System and Network Management
Text: 50915739 168
Graphic: Figure 26 HP OmniBack and HP OmniBack Turbo
* 27. Performance Management
Text: 50915739 169
* 28. System Availability
Text: 50915739 170-176
Graphic: Figure 28.1 Minimum SCSI SwitchOver/UX
Graphic: Figure 28.2 Typical SCSI SwitchOver/UX
Graphic: Figure 28.3 Typical 3-Way SCSI SwitchOver/UX
Graphic: Figure 28.4 Minimum HP-FL SCSI SwitchOver/UX
Graphic: Figure 28.5 Typical HP-FL SCSI SwitchOver/UX
Copy All Tagged Image Format Files: 50915739 170-176
* 29. System Software
Text: 50915739 177-191
* 30. Distributed Computing
Text: 50915739 192-193
* 31. Networking
Text: 50915739 194-207
Graphic: Figure 31.1 HP 9000 Series 800 Networking
Graphic: Figure 31.2 Roadmap for Series 800 Products
Graphic: Figure 31.3 X.25 Communications
Graphic: Figure 31.4 X.25 Multiprotocol Access Products
Graphic: Figure 31.5 ISDN
Graphic: Figure 31.6 Communications with IBM Systems
Graphic: Figure 31.7 Mainframe Communications
Graphic: Figure 31.8 ACT Call Processing Server
Copy All Tagged Image Format Files: 50915739 194-207
* 32. Customer Support Services
Text: 50915739 208-215
* 33. Index
Text: 50915739 216-222
* 34. Cover Pages
Print Formatted Document: Front Cover: 50915739
Print Formatted Document: Back Cover: 50915739
Print Formatted Document: Inside Front Cover: 50915739
Graphic: Cover
* HP 9000 Series 800 Business Servers Sales Guide 5091-5687E
* Foreward
Text: Front Cover: 50915687
Text: Table of Contents: 50915687
Text: HP 9000 Series 800: Open for Business: 50915687
Text: Back Cover: 50915687
* 1. Introduction/Overview
Text: 50915687 1-3
Graphic: Figure 1.1 HP 9000 Open for Business Framework
Copy all Tagged Image Format File(s): 50915687 1-3
* 2. Open Systems Leadership
Text: 50915687 4-18
Graphic: Figure 2.1 HP 9000 Open for Business Framework
Graphic: Figure 2.2 HP 9000 Series 800 Networking
Graphic: Figure 2.3 A Network Evolution
Graphic: Figure 2.4 The Model 45 Plus Concentrator for X.25
Graphic: Figure 2.5 WAN Positioning
Graphic: Figure 2.6 Centrally Manage Novell
Graphic: Figure 2.7 HP SNAplus--IBM Communications
Copy all HP Graphics Gallery File(s): 50915687 4-18
Copy all Tagged Image Format File(s): 50915687 4-18
* 3. Broadest Systems Offering
Text: 50915687 19-44
Graphic: Figure 3.1 HP 9000 Open for Business Framework
Graphic: Figure 3.2 The New Series 800 Business Server
Graphic: If you have proposed...Now suggest...
Graphic: Figure 3.3 Superior Growth Path
Graphic: Figure 3.4 Product Line Competitive Positioning
Graphic: Figure 3.5 HP 9000 Series F/G/H/I Class Servers
Graphic: Figure 3.6 HP 9000 Series F/G/H/I Class Growth
Graphic: Figure 3.7 Typical Number of Commercial Users
Graphic: Figure 3.8 Model 1210 System Overview
Copy all HP Graphics Gallery File(s): 50915687 19-44
Copy all Tagged Image Format File(s): 50915687 19-44
* 4. Rich Commercial Environment
Text: 50915687 45-68
Graphic: Figure 4.1 HP 9000 Open for Business Framework
Graphic: Figure 4.2 DCE Cell
Graphic: Figure 4.3 CICS on HP-UX
Graphic: Figure 4.4 HP-UX Systems Management Services
Graphic: Figure 4.5 HP-UX Fault Management Solutions
Graphic: Figure 4.6 Full Range of High Availability
Graphic: Figure 4.7 Automatic Processor SwitchOver
Copy all HP Graphics Gallery File(s): 50915687 45-68
Copy all Tagged Image Format File(s): 50915687 45-68
* 5. Superior Integrated Solutions
Text: 50915687 69-78
Graphic: Figure 5.1 HP 9000 Open for Business Framework
Copy all Tagged Image Format File(s): 50915687 69-78
* 6. Premier Customer Service
Text: 50915687 79-81
Graphic: Figure 6.1 HP 9000 Open for Business Framework
Copy all Tagged Image Format File(s): 50915687 79-81
* 7. Open Systems Marketing Programs
Text: 50915687 82-89
Graphic: Figure 7.1 HP Cooperative Computing Solutions
Graphic: Figure 7.2 The HP Way to a More Open Environment
Copy all HP Graphics Gallery File(s): 50915687 82-89
Copy all Tagged Image Format File(s): 50915687 82-89
* 8. Sales Tools and Training
Text: 50915687 90-103
Graphic: Figure 8.1 HP 9000 Sales Tools--When to Use What
Graphic: Figure 8.2 Series 800 Low-End Systems Performance
Graphic: Figure 8.3 Series 800 High-End Systems Performance
Copy all HP Graphics Gallery File(s): 50915687 90-103
Copy all Tagged Image Format File(s): 50915687 90-103
* HP 9000 Series 800 and Series 1200 Price Guide 5091-5686E
* Covers
Text: Front Cover: 50915686
Text: Back Cover: 50915686
* About This Document
Text: 50915686 1
* Table of Contents
Text: 50915686 2-3
* New! System Support Options Program
Text: 50915686 4-5
* How to Order
Text: 50915686 6-7
* HP 9000 Series 800 Business Servers
Text: 50195686 8-19
* Series 800 Board Upgrade Quick Reference
Text: 50915686 20-21
* Series 800 Trade-In Quick Reference
Text: 50915686 22
* Upgrades
Text: 50915686 23-25
* Upgrades (continued)
Text: 50915686 26-46
* Peripherals, Media, and Accessories (continued)
Text: 50915686 47-58
* Networking Products
Text: 50915686 59-63
* Networking Products (continued)
Text: 50915686 64-67
* Networking Products (continued)
Text: 50915686 68-79
* Networking Products (continued)
Text: 50915686 80-87
* HP-UX 9.0 Operating System and Documentation
Text: 50915686 88-104
* Programming Languages
Text: 50915686 105-112
* Software
Text: 50915686 113-117
* Productivity Tools and Information Management
Text: 50915686 118-125
* Productivity Tools and Information Management (continued)
Text: 50915686 126-142
* Customer Services
Text: 50915686 143-147
* HP 9000 Series 1200 Systems
Text: 50915686 148
* HP 9000 Series 1200 Business Servers
Text: 50915686 149-164
* Index by Product Number
Text: 50915686 165-172
* Index by Product Name
Text: 50915686 173-180
* Copy All Lotus 1-2-3 Files
Copy All Lotus 1-2-3 Files: 50915686
* HP 9000 Corporate Business Server 890 Data Sheet 5091-3609E
Text: 50913609
Graphic: Figure 1: Corporate Business Server 890 - Page 1
Graphic: Figure 2: System Organization - Page 2
Graphic: Figure 3: 890 Internal Layout - Page 3
Copy all HP Graphics Gallery and .TIF Files: 50913609
Copy All HPGL Files: 50913609
* Mainframe Downsizing White Paper 5091-2975E
Text: 50912975
* HP 9000 Series 800 High-End Technical Data Sheet 5091-2550E
Text: 50912550
Graphic: Figure 2 (Page 02)
Graphic: Figure 3 (Page 03)
Graphic: Figure 4 (Page 05)
Copy all .CGM Files: 50912550
* HP 9000 Series 800 High Availability Computing 5091-1633E
Text: 50911633
Graphic: Figure 1. HP High Availability Computing
Graphic: Figure 2. HP MirrorDisk/UX
Graphic: Figure 3. HP SwitchOver/UX
Copy all Tagged Image Format Files: 50911633
* HP 9000 Corporate Business Server 890 Price Guide (NPN)
Text: Price Guide BS890
Text: Price Guide Errata Sheet BS890
Copy MS Excel 3.0 Spreadsheet BS890
Copy Lotus 1-2-3 Spreadsheet BS890
* HP 9000 Corporate Business Server Strategy Brief (NPN)
Graphic: Page 01
Graphic: Page 02
Graphic: Page 03
Graphic: Page 05
Graphic: Page 07
Graphic: Page 10
Graphic: Page 12
Graphic: Page 15
Graphic: Page 17
Graphic: Page 19
Graphic: Page 21
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* Mainframe Alternative Sales Guide (NPN)
Text: Mainframe Alternative Program Overview: MNALTSG
Text: Mainframe Alternative Program Field Contacts: MNALTSG
Text: Sales Resource Guide: MNALTSG
Text: Mainframe Class Solutions Matrix: MNALTSG
Text: Solutions Contacts: MNALTSG
Text: Conversion Tools, System Integration: MNALTSG
Copy all ASCII Text Files: MNALTSG
* HP 9000 Workstations Product Literature
* Un*x Systems - Performance Quick Reference Card 5091-7333E
Print Formatted Document: Series 700: 50917333
Print Formatted Document: Series 800: 50917333
* HP PA-RISC Developer Program Sales Guide 5091-7232E
Text: 50917232
* HP 9000 Series 700i Model 742i Data Sheet 5091-6981E
Text: 50916981
Graphic: Model 742i Board
Graphic: Model 742 System Block Diagram
Copy All Tagged Image Format Files: 50916981
* HP 700/RX Family X Stations Technical Data 5091-6974E
Text: 50916974
* Multimedia Channel Partners Data Sheet 5091-6932E
Text: 50916932
* HP's TradeUp'93 is the Answer! Program 5091-6622EUS
Text: 50916622
* Workstation Slide Presentation Library 5091-6442E
Print Formatted Document: 50916442
* "Feel the Power" Flyer 5091-5869E
Print Formatted Document: 50915869
* HP MPower Product Brief 5091-6233E
Text: 50916233
* HP Apollo Series 700 Model 725/50 Photo Card 5091-5840E
Print Formatted Document: 50915840
* HP Apollo Series 700 Model 735 Workstation 5091-5838E
Text: 50915838
* HP Apollo Series 700 Models 715/33 and 715/50 5091-5814E
Print Formatted Document: 50915814
* HP Apollo Series 700 Models 715/33, 715,50 5091-5779E
Text: 50915779
* HP Apollo 9000 Series 700 Workstation Systems 5091-5750E
Print Formatted Document - pp.1-6: 50915750
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Print Formatted Document - pp.19-24: 50915750
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* HP-UX 9.0 Operating System 5091-5720E
Print Formatted Document: 50915720
* HP 9000 Series 700 FAX Technical Data Sheet 5091-5640E
Text: 50915640
* HP SharedX Technical Data Sheet 5091-5638E
Text: 50915638
* SharedPrint/UX Printing Software Data Sheet 5091-5633E
Text: 50915633
* "With HP Graphics, the Waiting Is Over" Flyer 5091-5369E
Print Formatted Document: 50915369
* HP Apollo Series 700 Model 755 Photo Card 5091-5336E
Print Formatted Document: 50915336
* HP Apollo Series 700 Model 735 Photo Card 5091-5334E
Print Formatted Document: 50915334
* HP MPower Sales Guide 5091-5319E
Text: 50915319
* ScanJet IIc Scanner for HP Apollo Data Sheet 5091-4970E
Text: 50914970
* HP Apollo Series 700 Model 705 Photo Card 5091-4735E
Text: 50914735
* HP's Path to Open Systems for Domain Customers 5091-4311E
Text: Table of Contents
Text: Document
Graphic: Figure 1. HP-UX: A Robust Open Environment
Graphic: Figure 2. Hierarchy of Industry Standards
Graphic: Figure 3. Workstation Upgrade Path
Graphic: Figure 4. Series 400 - 700 Upgrade Paths
Graphic: Figure 5. Products Providing Interoperability
Copy all HP Graphics Gallery Files
* RasterOps VideoLive Card Product Brief 5091-4248E
Print Formatted Document
* HP Apollo Series 700 Model 705 Workstation 5091-3978E
Text: 50913978
* Domain Display Manager on X Windows 5091-3973E
Text: 50913973
* HP Apollo Series 700 Model 705 PA-RISC Workstation5091-3701E
Text: 50913701
* HP Apollo Series 700 Model 705 Photo Card 5091-3332E
Text: 50913332
* HP Apollo Series 700 Model 750 PA-RISC Workstation5091-3191E
Text: 50913191
* HP Apollo Series 700 Model 730 PA-RISC Workstation5091-3190E
Text: 50913190
* HP Apollo Series 700 Model 720 PA-RISC Workstation5091-3189E
Text: 50913189
* HP Apollo Series 700 Model 750 Photo Card 5091-3188E
Text: 50913188
* HP Apollo Series 700 Model 730 Photo Card 5091-3187E
Text: 50913187
* HP Apollo Series 700 Model 720 Photo Card 5091-3186E
Text: 50913186
* HP Apollo Series 700 Model 710 Photo Card 5091-3185E
Text: 50913185
* HP Apollo Series 700 Model 710 PA-RISC Workstation5091-3183E
Text: 50913183
* HP C++ Developer for HP-UX & Domain/OS 5091-2216E
Text: 50912216
* HP Apollo Series 400 Workstations Data Sheet 5091-1600E
Print formatted document
* The HP Advantage for GIS 5091-0359E
Text: 50910359
* HP-UX 9.0 Documentation (NPN)
Print Formatted Document: HPUXDOC
* Solaris 2.0 (NPN)
Print Formatted Document - pp.1-5: SOLDOC
Print Formatted Document - pp.6-9: SOLDOC
* HP-UX 9.0 Software Changes (NPN)
Print Formatted Document - pp.1-6: 9000,400,700
Print Formatted Document - pp.7-12: 9000,400,700
* Counting Users on HP-UX (NPN)
Print Formatted Document: CUHPUX
* MIT X11 R5 Core Distribution, Technical Data (NPN)
Text: MITX11R5
* HP/ClearCase Product Brochure (NPN)
* HP/ClearCase Product Brief (NPN)
* HP/ClearCase White Paper (NPN)
* X-Stations Product Literature
* HP 700/RX Family of X Stations Technical Data 5091-6974E
Text: 50916974
* HP 700/RX Family of X Stations Photo Card 5091-5960E
Print Formatted Document: 50915960
* HP 700/RX Family of X Stations Brochure 5091-5748E
Text: 50915748
* HP-UX Software Product Literature
* HP-RT/UX Backplane Networking Technical Datasheet 5091-6175E
Text: 50916175
* HP-UX B-Level Security OS Data Sheet 5091-5872E
Text: 50915872
Graphic: S800 HP-UX BLS Oracle/Informix Data Base Server
* HP GlancePlus/UX Software for Sun SPARCstations 5091-3904E
Print Formatted Document: 50913904
* HP-UX 9.0 Operating System Technical Data Sheet 5091-3626E
Text: 50913626
Graphic: Figure 1. HP Reliable On-Line Computing
Graphic: Figure 2. Rich Computing Environment of HP-UX
Copy all Tagged Image Format Files: 50913626
* HP GlancePlus/UX Software for HP 9000 Systems 5091-2159E
Print Formatted Document: 50912159
* HP Networking Communications Specification Guide 5091-3821E
* Table of Contents
Text: Table of Contents: 50913821
* HP Domain Systems
* Local Area Links
* Apollo IEEE 802.3 (Ethernet)
Text: 50913821 1-2
Graphic (Page 01)
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 1-2
* Apollo IEEE 802.5 (IBM Token Ring)
Text: 50913821 3-4
Graphic (Page 03)
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 3-4
* Apollo Token Ring Network
Text: 50913821 5-6
Graphic (Page 05)
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 5-6
* Wide Area Links
* Apollo/X.25
Text: 50913821 7-8
Graphic (Page 07)
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 7-8
* OSI/De Facto Multivendor Services
* Domain TCP/IP
Text: 50913821 9-11
Graphic (Page 09)
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 9-11
* IBM Connectivity Services
* Apollo/Integrated SNA Facility
Text: 50913821 12-14
Graphic (Page 12)
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 12-14
* Apollo/Integrated SNA LU 6.2
Text: 50913821 15-17
Graphic (Page 15)
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 15-17
* Apollo/Integrated SNA/3270
Text: 50913821 18-19
Graphic (Page 18)
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 18-19
* IBM Connectivity Links
* Serial Controller-AT
Text: 50913821 20-21
Graphic (Page 20)
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 20-21
* HP 9000 Systems
* STREAMS/UX Technical Datasheet
Text: STREAMS/UX Technical Data: 50913821
Graphic: STREAMS Configuration
Copy All HPGL Files: 50913821
* Terminal/Printer Device Connectivity
* Telnet Terminal Server (DTC 16TN)
Text: Technical Data: DTC16TN
Graphic: DTC 16TN Telnet Terminal Server
Graphic: HP DTC 16TN Telnet Terminal Server (Diagram)
Copy All Graphics Gallery Files: DTC16TN
Copy All HPGL Files: DTC16TN
* Datacommunications and Terminal Controller (DTC16)
Text: Technical Data: DTC16
Graphic: DTC16 Datacommunication and Terminal Controller
Graphic: Datacommunication and Terminal Controller (Rear)
Copy All Graphics Gallery Files: DTC16
Copy All HPGL: DTC16
* Communications Server (DTC 72MX)
Text: Technical Data: DTC72MX
Graphic: DTC 72MX Communications Server
Graphic: DTC 72MX Communications Server (Rear)
Copy All Graphics Gallery Files: DTC72MX
Copy All HPGL Files: DTC72MX
* The DTC Management Products
Text: Technical Data: DTCMGMT
Graphic: DTC Management
Copy All HPGL Files: DTCMGMT
* Asynchronous FIFO Interface
Text: 50913821 22-25
Graphic (Page 25)
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 22-25
* Data Communications Interface
Text: 50913821 26-28
* Datacommunications and Terminal Controller (DTC) Family
Text: Technical Data: A3821220
Graphic: HP DTC Family
Copy All HPGL Files: A3821220
* Direct I/O Asynchronous 8-Channel Multiplexer
Text: 50913821 29-31
* Channel I/O Asynchronous 16-Channel Multiplexer
Text: 50913821 32-34
* HP-PB 16-Channel Asynchronous Multiplexers
Text: 50913821 35-40
* Direct I/O HP-IB Interface
Text: 50913821 41-42
Graphic (Page 41)
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 41-42
* HP Precision Bus HP-IB Interface
Text: 50913821 43-45
Graphic (Page 43)
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* EISA HP-IB Adapter
Text: 50913821 46-48
Graphic (Page 46)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
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* EISA SCSI-2 Differential Host Bus Adapter
Text: 50913821 49-50
* Direct I/O Programmable Data Communications Package
Text: 50913821 51-53
* Direct I/O RJE Interface
Text: 50913821 54-55
* Direct I/O RS-232 Serial Interface
Text: 50913821 56-57
* Direct I/O Serial Interface
Text: 50913821 58-59
* Fiber Optic Peripheral Interface
Text: 50913821 60-62
Graphic (Page 60)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 60-62
* Four-Channel Asynchronous Multiplexer
Text: 50913821 63-65
* GPIO Interface
Text: 50913821 66-68
* High-Speed Disk Interface
Text: 50913821 69
* High-Speed RS-422 Interface
Text: 50913821 70-71
* HP Precision Bus SCSI/Parallel Host Adapter
Text: 50913821 72-73
* HP JetDirect Cards for UNIX Network Peripheral Interface
Text: 50913821 74-75
* Fiber-Optic SCSI Extender
Text: 50913821 76-77
Graphic (Page 76)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 76-77
* HP-IB Interface for HP 9000 Series 500/800 Computer Systems
Text: 50913821 78-80
Graphic (Page 78)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 78-80
* HP-PB Asynchronous 8-Channel Multiplexer
Text: 50913821 81-85
* SCSI Peripheral Host Adapter (for HP 9000 Series 800 CIO
Text: 50913821 86-87
* SCSI Peripheral Host Adapter (for HP 9000 Series 300 DIO
Text: 50913821 88-89
* Local Area Links
* HP Token Ring/9000 for Series 700 Computers
Text: 50913821 90-92
Graphic (Page 90)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 90-92
* HP Token Ring/9000 for Series 800 Computers
Text: 50913821 93-96
Graphic (Page 93)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
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* HP FDDI/9000 for Series 700 Computers
Text: 50913821 97-100
Graphic (Page 97)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
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* HP FDDI/9000 for Series 800 Computers
Text: 50913821 101-105
Graphic (Page 101)
Graphic (Page 102)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 101-105
* LAN/9000 Link
Text: 50913821 106-115
Graphic (Page 106)
Graphic (Page 108)
Graphic (Page 109)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 106-115
* Wide Area Links
* X.25/9000 Link
Text: 50913821 116-121
* OSI/De Facto Multivendor Services
* ARPA Services/9000
Text: 50913821 122-129
Graphic (Page 122)
Graphic (Page 124)
Graphic (Page 126)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 122-129
Text: 50913821 130-132
Graphic (Page 130)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 130-132
* HP LAN Manager/X for HP 9000
Text: 50913821 133-140
* HP MMS/9000
Text: 50913821 141-143
Graphic (Page 141)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 141-143
* HP OpenMail
Text: 50913821 144-149
* HP OSI Transport Services/9000
Text: 50913821 150-154
Graphic: Figure 1: OSI Standards
Copy all HPGL File(s) to local disk: 50913821 150-154
* HP X.400
Text: 50913821 155-159
Graphic (Page 155)
Graphic (Page 156)
Graphic (Page 157)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 155-159
* NetWare for the HP 9000 Series 700
Text: 50913821 160-163
Graphic (Page 160)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 160-163
* NetWare for the HP 9000 Series 800
Text: 50913821 164-167
Graphic: HP 9000 Application Server
Copy all HPGL File(s) to local disk: 50913821 164-167
* HP X.500 Distributed Directory
Text: 50913821 168-170
Graphic (Page 169)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 168-170
* Network Computing System 1.5.1 (NCS)
Text: 50913821 171-175
Graphic (Page 171)
Graphic (Page 172)
Graphic (Page 174)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 171-175
* HP Network File System Services/9000
Text: 50913821 176-179
Graphic (Page 176)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 176-179
* HP Services
* NS/9000 for Series 300/400, Series 700, and Series 800/600
Text: 50913821 180-184
Graphic (Page 180)
Graphic (Page 181)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 180-184
* IBM Connectivity Services
* HP-UX SNAplus3179G
Text: Technical Data: J2224A
Graphic: HP-UX SNAplus3179G
Copy All HPGL Files: J2224A
Text: Technical Data: J2222A
Graphic: SNAplusRJE Standards
Copy All HPGL Files: J2222A
* HP 9000 RJE Emulator
Text: 50913821 185-186
Graphic (Page 185)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 185-186
* HP-UX LU 6.2 API
Text: 50913821 187-191
Graphic (Page 187)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 187-191
* HP-UX SNA3179G
Text: 50913821 192-194
Graphic (Page 192)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 192-194
* HP-UX SNA3270
Text: 50913821 195-198
Graphic (Page 195)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 195-198
* HP-UX SNAplus3270
Text: 50913821 199-202
Graphic: HP-UX SNAplus 3270
Copy All HPGL Files: A3821199
Text: 50913821 203-207
Graphic: SNAplusAPI Standards
Copy All HPGL Files: A3821203
* HP-UX SNA3770
Text: 50913821 208-211
Graphic (Page 208)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 208-211
* IBM Connectivity Links
* HP-UX SNALink and HP-UX Gateway/SNALink
Text: 50913821 212-215
Graphic (Page 212)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 212-215
* HP-UX SNAplusLINK Technical Data
Text: 50913821 216-219
Graphic: SNAplus Services
Copy All HPGL Files: A3821216
* HP 3000 Systems
* Terminal/Printer Device Connectivity
* Telnet Terminal Server (DTC 16TN)
Text: Technical Data: DTC16TN
Graphic: DTC 16TN Telnet Terminal Server
Graphic: HP DTC 16TN Telnet Terminal Server (Diagram)
Copy All Graphics Gallery Files: DTC16TN
Copy All HPGL Files: DTC16TN
* Datacommunications and Terminal Controller (DTC48)
Text: Technical Data: DTC48
Graphic: DTC 48 Datacommunication and Terminal Controller
Graphic: DTC 48 (Rear)
Copy All HPGL Files: DTC48
* Datacommunications and Terminal Controller (DTC16)
Text: Technical Data: DTC16
Graphic: DTC16 Datacommunication and Terminal Controller
Graphic: Datacommunication and Terminal Controller (Rear)
Copy All Graphics Gallery Files: DTC16
Copy All HPGL: DTC16
* Communications Server (DTC 72MX)
Text: Technical Data: DTC72MX
Graphic: DTC 72MX Communications Server
Graphic: DTC 72MX Communications Server (Rear)
Copy All Graphics Gallery Files: DTC72MX
Copy All HPGL Files: DTC72MX
* The DTC Management Products
Text: Technical Data: DTCMGMT
Graphic: DTC Management
Copy All HPGL Files: DTCMGMT
* HP 3000 LAN Multiplexer (DTC 16ix)
Text: Technical Data: DTC16IX
Graphic: DTC 16ix HP 3000 LAN Multiplexer
Graphic: HP DTC 16ix LAN Multiplexer (Rear)
Copy All Graphics Gallery Files: DTC16IX
Copy All HPGL Files: DTC16IX
* Datacommunications and Terminal Controller (DTC) Family
Text: Technical Data: A3821220
Graphic: HP DTC Family
Copy All HPGL Files: A3821220
* Fiber-Optic Peripheral Interface
Text: 50913821 245-247
Graphic (Page 245)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 245-247
* HP-IB Interface for HP 3000 Series 900 Computer Systems
Text: 50913821 248-250
Graphic (Page 248)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 248-250
* Local Area Links
* ThinLAN 3000/V Link
Text: 50913821 251-258
Graphic (Page 251)
Graphic (Page 252)
Graphic (Page 254)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 251-258
* ThinLAN 3000/XL Link
Text: 50913821 259-266
Graphic (Page 259)
Graphic (Page 261)
Graphic (Page 262)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 259-266
* Token Ring 3000/iX for Series 900 Computers
Text: 50913821 TKRNG
Graphic: IBM 4M or 16M bit/sec Token Ring Network
Copy all HPGL File(s) to local disk: 50913821 TKRNG
* Wide Area Links
* X.25 iX Network Link For HP 3000 Series 900
Text: Technical Data: DTCX25IX
Graphic: X.25 Network Link
Copy All HPGL Files: DTCX25IX
* HP SERIAL Network
Text: 50913821 267-271
Graphic (Page 267)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 267-271
* NS Point-to-Point Network Link/V
Text: 50913821 272-277
Graphic (Page 272)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 272-277
* NS Point-to-Point Network Link/XL
Text: 50913821 278-282
Graphic (Page 278)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 278-282
* NS X.25 3000/V Network Link
Text: 50913821 283-289
Graphic (Page 283)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 283-289
* X.25 iX Network Link
Text: 50913821 290-300
Graphic (Page 290)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 290-300
* OSI/De Facto Multivendor Services
* HP 3000 Telnet Access (Telnet iX)
Text: Technical Data: TELNETIX
Graphic: HP 3000 Telnet Access
* ARPA Services/XL
Text: 50913821 301-310
Graphic (Page 301)
Graphic (Page 303)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 301-310
* HP NCS 1.5.1 for the HP 3000
Text: 50913821 311-312
Graphic (Page 311)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 311-312
* HP FTAM 3000/XL
Text: 50913821 313-316
Graphic (Page 313)
Graphic (Page 314)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 313-316
* HP LAN Manager/XL (Named Pipes)
Text: 50913821 317-319
Graphic (Page 317)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 317-319
* HP X.400
Text: 50913821 155-159
Graphic (Page 155)
Graphic (Page 156)
Graphic (Page 157)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 155-159
* NetWare for the HP 3000
Text: 50913821 320-323
Graphic (Page 320)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 320-323
* HP Services
* NS Over SNA/XL
Text: 50913821 324-327
Graphic (Page 324)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 324-327
* NS3000/V Network Services
Text: 50913821 328-334
Graphic (Page 328)
Graphic (Page 332)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 328-334
* NS3000/XL Network Services
Text: 50913821 335-340
Graphic (Page 335)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 335-340
* IBM Connectivity Services
* BSC MRJE/V Multileaving Remote Job Entry
Text: 50913821 341-344
Graphic (Page 341)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 341-344
* HP LU 6.2 Application Programming Interface
Text: 50913821 345-349
Graphic (Page 345)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 345-349
* HP SNA Distributed Host Command Facility/XL
Text: 50913821 350-355
Graphic (Page 350)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 350-355
* HP SNA Distribution Services/XL
Text: 50913821 356-360
Graphic (Page 356)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 356-360
* HP SNA Server/HP SNA Server Access
Text: 50913821 361-364
Graphic (Page 361)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 361-364
* IMF/Interactive Mainframe Facility
Text: 50913821 365-370
Graphic (Page 365)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 365-370
* RJE/Remote Job Entry/V
Text: 50913821 371-374
Graphic (Page 371)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 371-374
* RJE/Remote Job Entry/XL
Text: 50913821 375-379
Graphic (Page 375)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 375-379
* SNA IMF/V Interactive Mainframe Facility
Text: 50913821 380-386
Graphic (Page 380)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 380-386
* SNA IMF/XL Interactive Mainframe Facility
Text: 50913821 387-394
Graphic (Page 387)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 387-394
* SNA NRJE Network Remote Job Entry
Text: 50913821 395-400
Graphic (Page 395)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 395-400
* IBM Connectivity Links
* BSC Link/V
Text: 50913821 401-404
Graphic (Page 401)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 401-404
* BSC Link/XL
Text: 50913821 405-408
Graphic (Page 405)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 405-408
* SNA Link/V
Text: 50913821 409-413
Graphic (Page 409)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 409-413
Text: 50913821 414-418
Graphic (Page 414)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50193821 414-418
* SNA/X.25 Link/XL
Text: 50193821 419-422
Graphic (Page 419)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50193821 419-422
* HP 1000 Systems
* Terminal/Printer Device Connectivity
* 16 Input/16 Output Isolated Digital Card
Text: 50913821 423-425
* 8-Channel Asynchronous Multiplexer Interface
Text: 50913821 426-428
* 8-Channel Multiuse Asynchronous Multiplexer Interface
Text: 50913821 429-431
* Analog Input Cards and Cables
Text: 50913821 432-435
* Analog Output Card and Cable
Text: 50913821 436-438
* Asynchronous Serial Interface
Text: 50913821 439-442
* Breadboard Interface
Text: 50913821 443-445
* Color Video Output Interface
Text: 50913821 446-448
Graphic (Page 447)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 446-448
* Extender Card and Priority Jumper Card
Text: 50913821 449
* HDLC Network Interfaces for DS/1000-IV
Text: 50913821 450-454
* HP-IB Interface for HP 1000 A-Series Computer Systems
Text: 50913821 455-457
Graphic (Page 455)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 455-457
* Multiuse Programmable Serial Interface
Text: 50913821 458-461
* Parallel Interface
Text: 50913821 462-464
Graphic (Page 462)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 462-464
* Programmable Serial Interface
Text: 50913821 465-468
* PROM Storage Module
Text: 50913821 469-470
* Local Area Links
* LAN/1000 Link and DDA
Text: 50913821 471-474
Graphic (Page 471)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 471-474
* Wide Area Links
* LAP-B Modem Interface Package
Text: 50913821 475-477
* OSI/De Facto Multivendor Services
* ARPA Services/1000
Text: 50913821 478-482
Graphic (Page 478)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 478-482
* NS-ARPA/1000
Text: 50913821 483-489
Graphic (Page 483)
Graphic (Page 484)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 483-489
* HP Services
* DS/1000-IV
Text: 50913821 490-495
* IBM Connectivity Services
* Remote Job Entry-II (RJE/1000-II)
Text: 50913821 496-499
* HP Vectra Personal Computer
* Links
* HP EtherTwist Adapter Cards
Text: 50913821 500-503
* ThinLAN PC Adapter Card
Text: 50913821 504-505
* Services
* HP AdvanceLink for MS-DOS
Text: 50913821 506-508
* HP AdvanceLink for MS-Windows and HP NewWave
Text: 50913821 509-512
* Novell NetWare 386 v3.11 Master Disk Program
View Text: 50913821 513-518
* HP PC ARPA and Network Services for MS-DOS,
Text: 50913821 519-528
* HP NewWave Office - Information Distribution Services for
Text: 50913821 529-533
* Network Hardware
* Local Area Networks (LANs)
* HP 10:10 LAN Bridge MB
Text: 50913821 534-536
* HP 10:10 LAN Bridge LB
Text: 50913821 537-539
Graphic (Page 537)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 537-539
* HP EtherTwist Hub Plus and Hub Plus/48
Text: 50913821 540-542
* HP EtherTwist Hub/8
Text: 50913821 543-544
* HP EtherTwist Transceiver Family
Text: 50913821 545-547
* HP ThinLAN Hub Plus
Text: 50913821 548-549
* HP Fiber-Optic Hub Plus
Text: 50913821 550-552
Graphic (Page 551)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 550-552
* HP StarLAN-to-10 Mbit/s Bridge
Text: 50913821 553-554
* Wide Area Networks (WANs)
* Telebit T2500 Modem
Text: 50913821 555-556
* Codex 3380 19.2 Kbps Data Modem
Text: 50913821 557-558
* Codex 3500 DSU/CSU
Text: 50913821 559-560
* HP 2335A-X.25/84 Multiplexer
Text: 50913821 561-566
Graphic (Page 561)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 561-566
* HP Model 45-Multiprotocol X.25 Switching Concentrator
Text: 50913821 567-570
Graphic (Page 567)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 567-570
* Extended LANs
Text: 50913821 571-575
Graphic (Page 571)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 571-575
* HP ISDN Link/S700
Text: 50913821 576-578
Graphic (Page 576)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 576-578
* HP Router ER
Text: 50913821 579-581
Graphic (Page 579)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 579-581
* HP Router TR
Text: 50913821 582-584
* HP Remote Bridge RB
Text: 50913821 585-587
* HP Router CR
Text: 50913821 588-590
Graphic (Page 588)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 588-590
* Voice and Data Integration
* Applied Computerized Telephony (ACT) - 32045A ACT-CP Server
Text: 50913821 591-595
Graphic (Page 591)
Graphic (Page 592)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 591-595
* Applied Computerized Telephony (ACT) - 32044A ACT-CP Server
Text: 50913821 596-600
Graphic (Page 596)
Graphic (Page 597)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 596-600
* Applied Computerized Telephony (ACT) - Support Summary
Text: 50913821 601
* Applied Computerized Telephony (ACT) - Assessment
Text: 50913821 602
* Applied Computerized Telephony (ACT) - Project Management
Text: 50913821 603
* Applied Computerized Telephony (ACT) - Application
Text: 50913821 604
* Applied Computerized Telephony (ACT) - Technical Training
Text: 50913821 605
* Applied Computerized Telephony (ACT) - Ongoing Support
Text: 50913821 606-607
Graphic (Page 606)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 605-607
* Network Management
* OpenView Development Environment
* HP OpenView Network Management Server
Text: 50913821 608-613
Graphic (Page 608)
Graphic (Page 609)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy Tagged Image Format Files: 50913821 608-613
* HP OpenView Windows/DOS Development Products
Text: 50913821 614-619
* HP Distributed Management Environment (DME) Technologies
Text: 50913821 620-624
Graphic (Page 620)
* OpenView Applications
* HP OpenView Solutions Partners Program
Text: 50913821 625-627
* HP OpenView DTC Entry-Level Manager/UX
Text: Technical Data: A3821220
Graphic: HP DTC Family
Copy All HPGL Files: A3821220
* HP OpenView DTC Manager
Text: Technical Data: A3821220
Graphic: HP DTC Family
Copy All HPGL Files: A3821220
* HP OpenView Interconnect Manager/UX
Text: 50913821 628-630
Graphic (Page 628)
* HP OpenView Resource Manager/DOS
Text: 50913821 631-632
* HP OpenView Network Node Manager
Text: 50913821 633-640
Graphic (Page 633)
* HP OpenView Interconnect Manager/DOS
Text: 50913821 641-642
* HP OpenView Switch/PAD Manager
Text: 50913821 643-646
Graphic (Page 643)
Graphic (Page 644)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL and Tagged Image Format Files: 50913821 643-646
* HP OpenView System Manager
Text: 50913821 647-652
Graphic (Page 647)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 647-652
* HP OpenView Management Stations
Text: 50913821 653-655
Graphic (Page 653)
* HP OpenView TCP/IP Agent
Text: 50913821 656-658
Graphic (Page 656)
* HP OpenView Network and Systems Management Support Products
Text: 50913821 659-662
Graphic (Page 659)
Graphic (Page 660)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy Tagged Image Format Files: 50913821 659-662
* HP OpenView Extensible SNMP Agent
Text: 50913821 663-666
Graphic (Page 664)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 663-666
* Network Test & Measurement Instrumentation
* HP 4990A LanProbe Distributed LAN Analysis System
Text: 50913821 667-672
Graphic (Page 667)
Graphic (Page 668)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL and Tagged Image Format Files: 50913821 667-672
* HP Wire Test Instrument
Text: 50913821 673-675
* Network Support Services & Training
* Approaches to Network Design Seminar
Text: 50918321 676-677
* HP CableSite Service
Text: 50913821 678-679
Graphic (Page 678)
* HP LAN Manager
Text: 50913821 680-681
* HP LAN Manager/X Fundamentals
Text: 50913821 682-683
* HP NetAssure Service
Text: 50913821 684-687
* HP Network Consulting Service
Text: 50913821 688-690
Graphic (Page 688)
* HP Network Operations Support Service for Multivendor
Text: 50913821 691-694
* HP Network Startup
Text: 50913821 695-696
* HP OpenView DTC Manager and HP OpenView DTC/X.25 XLB2899S
Text: 50913821 697-698
* HP NS3000/V Services and Link Configuration
Text: 50913821 699-700
* HP PC-LAN Support Service
Text: 50913821 701-703
Graphic (Page 701)
* HP WireTest
Text: 50913821 704-705
Graphic (Page 704)
* Copy bulk files to local disk
Copy HPGL File: 50913821 704-705
* HP-UX Network Administration: LAN Link, ARPA/Berkeley, NFS,
Text: 50913821 706-707
* HP OpenView DTC/X.25 XL Fundamentals
Text: 50913821 708-709
* HP OpenView Manager Fundamentals
Text: 50913821 710-712
* HP-UX Network Administration: LAN Link, ARPA/Berkeley, NFS,
Text: 50913821 713-715
* Introduction to Data Communications
Text: 50913821 716-718
* Local Area Network Seminar
Text: 50913821 719-720
* Message Handling Systems - X.400
Text: 50913821 721-722
* Network Fundamentals
Text: 50913821 723-724
* Network Management Seminar
Text: 50913821 725-726
* OSI Overview: Architecture, Technology, and Standards
Text: 50913821 727-728
* Programming with HP OpenView NM Server
Text: 50913821 729-730
* Wide Area Network Seminar
Text: 50913821 731-732
* X.25 Packet Switching Network
Text: 50913821 733-734
* Software Licensing
* Network License System (NetLS)
Text: 50913821 735-736
* PGS Tools
Copy MS Word 5.0 Stylesheet to local disk: 50913821
Copy HPLOGO.TIF to local disk: 50913821
* HP Cooperative Computing Solutions
* HP NewWave Access Technical Data Sheet 5091-5631E
Text: 50915631
Graphic: HP NewWave Access - Integrating Data into Desktop
Graphic: HP NewWave Access - Easy-to-use Graphical User
Copy all HP Graphics Gallery Files: 50915631
* HP Information Access Technical Data Sheet 5091-5630E
Text: 50915630
Graphic: HP Information Access - Integrating Data into
Graphic: HP Information Access - Features
Graphic: HP Information Access - Easy-to-use Graphic User
Copy all HP Graphics Gallery Files: 50915630
* Verity TOPIC Text Management Solution Technical 5091-5629E
Text: 50915629
Graphic: Verity TOPIC Concept-based Retrieval and Relevance
Graphic: Verity TOPIC (r) Text Management Solution
Copy all HP Graphics Gallery Files: 50915629
* HP Document Manager Technical Data Sheet 5091-5628E
Text: 50915628
Graphic: HP Document Manager - Support for All Types of
Graphic: HP Document Manager Topology
Graphic: HP Document Manager (Simple Screen Simulation)
Copy all HP Graphics Gallery Files: 50915628
* HP WorkRouter Technical Data Sheet 5091-5627E
Text: 50915627
Graphic: Electronic Mail Enable Application - HP WorkRouter
Graphic: Intelligent Work Folder
Graphic: HP WorkRouter - Conceptual Model
Copy all HP Graphics Gallery Files: 50915627
* HP Electronic Mail Solutions Technical Data 5091-5626E
Text: 50915626
Graphic: HP Electronic Mail Solution
* Knowledge Workers Platform Technical Data Sheet 5091-5625E
Text: 50915625
* Enterprise Data Access Technical Data Sheet 5091-5624E
Text: 50915624
Graphic: Enterprise Data Access - IBI EDA/SQL
Graphic: Enterprise Data Access - Direct Data Access
Copy All Graphics to Local Disk: 50915624
* Enterprise Information Server Technical Data 5091-5623E
Text: 50915623
Graphic: Enterprise Information Server "Ready to Connect"
Graphic: Enterprise Information Server
Copy All Graphics to Local Disk: 50915623
* Peripherals
* HP 2567C Line Printer Data Sheet 5091-5162C
Text: 50915162
* HP 2566C Line Printer Data Sheet 5091-5163E
Text: 50915163
* HP 2563C Line Printer Data Sheet 5091-5164E
Text: 50915164
* HP 2562C Line Printer Data Sheet 5091-5165E
Text: 50915165
* HP 2300/840L Line Printer Data Sheet 5091-5166E
Text: 50915166
* HP 2300/1100L Line Printer Data Sheet 5091-6028E
Text: 50916028
*** End of Mapping ***